Thursday, January 10, 2008

Nostalgic eating: when things taste the same...but not.

The other night when it was cold and raining (yeah, that's like every night but go on), I needed cocoa. Not your fancy cocoa. Nestle Quik cocoa. And the only acceptable toppings for Nestle Quik are Fluff or Cool Whip. Fluff was not to be had, so with the Cool Whip and cocoa in hand I trotted home. Once it was defrosted (which in itself is kind of weird) I scooped out a spoonful with gleeful anticipation.

Only to realize: Cool Whip isn't really that good. It's basically whipped sugar and oil. Eww. And it kind of tastes airy and oily and sweet, but not...really like cream. But somehow, it's not bad enough to stop eating it. I've been having it in my Quik and it's much better with the chocolate (although, it does dissolve awfully quickly and makes this weird fizzing sound when it hits the hot milk. Hmm.) It's also making me crave a host of other childhood sweets that only Cool Whip can make complete: gingerbread specifically! So I may try my hand at some homemade gingerbread this weekend, but I'll leave the Whip as a fond memory.

Addendum February 3: Bologna and cheese sandwiches: still good, if a bit slimy.


Maria said...

I should mail you some marshmallow fluff from jolly old England. It's the same brand you know and love, at three times the price! They carry it in some of the fancy department store food halls, in the "American" aisle. It's usually next to the Bisquick, Aunt Jemima syrup and Crisco. Doesn't that sound like an appetizing combo?

cooky-monster said...

Also not good is McDonald's. In high school, I used to love the experience of eating a Filet-o-fish (with a name like that, how can it not be quality?) with fries and diet coke. It was obviously wrong, but oh so good. Now all fast food just tastes cheap. It's as though our taste buds have finally wised up and are now capable of sussing out fakey flavor - which is kind of too bad, bc I'd save a lot of $ if I enjoyed crappy food. Oh well.

So, Chefty, what did you think about just the Quik? I used to adore the strawberry flavor and bet I'd like it to this day. Alas, I'm not into dairy or sugary drinks anymore - so this experiment may never come to pass for old Cooky.

Oh, and I also used to like Magic Shell. Coincidentally, I'm pretty sure it pairs well with Cool Whip.

Chefty said...

Well said, cooky. The Quik was fine, but you know, sweet. Cocoa is a rare treat.

Have you given up dairy? Lately people have been telling me how dairy doesn't agree with them...

Anonymous said...

The saddest nostalgia food story I have is trying Little Debbie's snack cakes (any flavor) as a grown-up... they're gross - waxy coating, super sweet, cool-whip-like fillings. Clearly not made for human consumption.... the best nostalgia food is Campbell's Tomato Soup (even if it's someone else's nostalgia, since I never ate it as a kid) - yes, it's got a ton of added sugar (corn syrup, most likely), but it's yummy and soothing when made with milk...

Chefty said...

Campbell's Tomato Soup is one of my favorites. With grilled cheese on the side, it can't be beat for rainy day comfort food.

cooky-monster said...

I still crave simple, salty Campbell's Chicken Noodle when I am sick.

Chefty said...

Yup. And don't forget the saltines!

Anonymous said...

Not really related, at all, but rumor has it that Lindsay Lohan (used to) cut her coke with strawberry Quik.

Why is that information attached to a brain cell in my head? So depressing.

Lil used to give us Cool Whip. Anything with sugar and oil is a-OK in my book, amiga. ;-)

cooky-monster said...

Fascinating - I'm making a mental note of it... not that I'm a sniffer or whatever they're called these days. Or does Lilo like her drugs mixed in milk....