Sunday, December 09, 2007

Bring on the new foods.

I went for sushi on Thursday night and had some very tasty miso soup. Therein were these perfect little cubes of...something. They were nearly translucent, but still had some bite and a sweet, barely starchy kind of flavor. I was confounded. Chefty, I asked myself, is this potato? Some sort of radish? What it is?! I decided it must be daikon and asked the waitress and she said, "It's winter melon."

Winter melon! Never heard of it (have you?), but I want to eat it again. Here's what it looks like. I bet it would be equally delicious in a stir-fry.

PS: Don't they look like little sugar cubes? Kind of darling.

1 comment:

cooky-monster said...

Winter melon is good. My mom used to make it, almost always in a simple, clear broth soup served on the side of some average Thai meal.