Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Squash soup addendum.

I decided to blend and strain the rest of the squash soup for the sake of comparison. It was very thick at the start so out came the cream and the veg stock. I think I do like the overall taste and texture a lot better blended, it's just more uniform. I also have to take into account that all the flavors had some time to mellow out together over the last two days, which helped even things out too. And the cream? While I was hoping to convince myself that cream doesn't make a difference, it does. It softened the heat from the pepper and the cumin without blanketing it and, well, who doesn't love cream. At least I used half and half!

Perhaps my next squash-themed soup should be of the chunky vegetable variety. Maybe squash miso soup? I kind of like the sound of that.

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