Friday, March 23, 2007

Oh my.

Well, my blog readership has pretty much ground to a halt. Sorry guys. I have been a shitty blogger. And even worse, I've barely been cooking. Thank God Spring is here. Culinary inspiration doesn't feel very far away.

Now, I started out the year with a lot of grand ideas about how I was going to make this blog better. That's January for you, all bleary-eyed optimism. Anyway, lately I've been thinking it's time I stop making endless promises to myself I can't possibly know if I'll keep. I feel like everything I do must involve the setting and striving for a goal. It's exhausting, and I realize I am much happier just doing things like writing and cooking and whatnot just for the sake of doing them. I cook when I cook, I blog when I blog, and the rest will come to me later. What this means (for any readers still lingering) is that my updates will be consistently inconsistent, but they'll keep coming.

On that note, I'm looking forward to making dinner tomorrow. I have some beets and asparagus that could be promising, but beyond that the shelves are bare so we'll have to see what can be done!


PS: I'm not loving this new layout. Expect changes soon...


Maria said...

I think if you delete the cookie personality post, your old formatting will return.

Chefty said...

Oh no, I switched it out. But I should delete the cookie post anyway. :)

Siobhan said...

I like the cookie post:)

Anonymous said...

Cookie post rocks! Pathetically, I find myself going back to the test to try the other tests featured on the same page. But do what you must....

Anonymous said...

C is for Cookies and cookies is for me !

Anonymous said...

anonimous is Dad-not very PC proficient