Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Why I love the Wednesday Times.

I am so making this.

At Hearth they made a lemon confit that got mixed with roasted red pepper as a garnish for crudo. I used to make the lemon confit. It was painstaking but I enjoyed it. Theirs was a savory confit made with salt and olive oil. Once prepared the lemon slices remained stored in the oil and the mixture became intensely perfurmed with the oils from the lemon rind. Mmm. I think it might be kind of delicious to make a lemon confit focaccia--could be very tangy and dense, a nice compliment perhaps to a cioppino or other sort of fish stew.

I might also make this. I sure love me some fennel.

In other news, was anyone else surprised to find out that Padma of Top Chef fame is married to Salman Rushdie?

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