Sunday, August 06, 2006
Postscript on cocktail contest
I am removing the deadline on the contest offer outlined below, for several reasons. First, I really didn't give y'all enough time to get to my blog, read all about it, and come up with a brilliant idea. Secondly, I've got gazillions of blueberries, enough to make cocktails through Christmas, easily. So feel free to send along drink ideas (alcoholic or non) whenever they might occur to you. Test kitchen is open 'round the clock. For now, I've got three very nice suggestions (two of which you can read about below) which I'll be mixing together this week. In preparation for the task before me, I've made some blueberry syrup (and have a blue-spattered stove to prove it). It's quite yum.
This isn't so creative, but I like the mix - absolute citron, blueberry syrup, rocks & splash of soda or sprite.
I like it, botb. Simplicity is typically the best policy. I'll mix one of these up tonight and keep you posted.
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