Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Non sequiturs abound.

I had a Quizno's sub for dinner that was serviceable but is now sitting like a brick in my stomach. Hereby committing to fruit and veg for the rest of the month, with limited alcohol consumption.* A mini-detox, if you will, in preparation for a trip back to Massachusetts (birthplace of Chefty) which in order to be a fully satisfactory trip will have to include lobster as well as mocha chip ice cream from Pinecroft Dairy.

Speaking of Pinecroft, I just tried to find a link for y'all but they're not online. Fair enough--I will assume they are too busy making delicious ice cream to worry about a website. What I did find in that search was a curious little link from the Worcester Telegram & Gazette:

Gone But Not Forgotten

Hard-core Worcester natives are nothing if not nostalgic. Even if you're not from Worcester, I think you'll enjoy scrolling through this message board. It may be the second or (ok, Springfield?) third biggest city in New England, but when you come down to it, it's a place where everybody knows your name. For those readers hailing from the heart of the Commonwealth: don't miss the Spag's link and the call out to Cottage Donuts.

Alton Brown beckons. Gotta run.

Stay tuned tomorrow for thoughts on melons and the joys of homemade soup.

*This time, however, I'll not bore with you the details.

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