Thursday, August 03, 2006

A glaring omission from my last post!

I can't believe I forgot to mention that some portion of my harvest will certainly need to find its way into a cocktail or two. Blueberry cosmopolitan... mojito...sloe gin fizz... shandy? The possibilities are endless.

Get your drinking caps on and come up with your dream blueberry beverage. I'll recipe-test all entries and provide sip-by-sip coverage, complete with photos! All entries due by Friday, August 4, 5:00pm PST. The winner be a winner, obviously, and will receive a dedicated Chefty post and the inaugural place in this blog's yet-to-be created Hall of Fame.


Anonymous said...

I used to love the Blueberry Ale at Boston Beer Works. I don't think it would be too hard to re-create at home, they just add some fresh wild blueberries to a pint of amber ale. Yummy though. I also like the Blueberry Bellini they serve at Vertigo here in London. Not sure what kind of liqueur they add to the champers, I think that I should go investigate for you one of these days. Oh the sacrifices I make for my little sister ;)

Anonymous said...

Blueberries 'n Cream martini:
Mash up about 2 tablespoons of blueberries, and strain the juice into a shaker.
Add about three ounces of Vanilla Stoli. Add a little simple syrup (to taste? maybe a 1/2 teaspoon?)

Shake vigorously with ice in shaker and strain into chilled martini glass.

Garnish with a few whole, plump blueberries and/or a whole vanilla bean.


Anonymous said...

Though this entry no longer qualifies for competition, please accept this for your experimentation:

Mash a quarter of a cup of bluberries with, say, a half teaspoon or so of salt and two basil leaves. Add to, maybe 2-4 ounces of Jack (I'm not much of a drinker, so perhaps we should just say, "to taste.") Stir w/3 times more ginger ale than Jack, and ice. Personally, I would serve it just like that, but a lot of the fancy people like to "strain and serve."

This is a pretty fast and loose recipe, in case you hadn't surmised, but you get the idea. Tailor as needed. Maybe making the blueberry part into a puree would be better....

Chefty said...

Hey aintacook--Love the sound of this concoction! Testing begins this week. I plan to make it as you describe (except with blueberry syrup in place of the juice & simple syrup), and to also try a version with milk added--kind of like a blueberry Sombrero...rather, a Blueberry Beret (nods to Prince). Stay tuned for results!

Chefty said...

CM--Your cocktail seems just the thing for a warm summer's eve, on a train bound to nowhere. I particularly love the inclusion of basil. I'm going to try two versions of it, one with Jack and one with bourbon. Results from my blueberry laboratory will be posted soon.