Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Goodbye, blog cherry.

I just created this blog on the fly so I could respond to a post about Hell's Kitchen on someone else's blog. It is the worst kind of bad TV, I know, but goddammit, I am compelled to watch it.

As a testament to how much Gordon Ramsay has infiltrated my psyche....Yesterday I was playing tennis. To say 'playing' is generous, because in truth I could barely volley. Frustration mounted, gave way to disappointment and shame and then I heard Gordon, yelling: 'You've given up, haven't you? You lazy twit! YOU'VE GIVEN UP!'

And indeed I had.

But I'm inclined to think I'd never give up behind the line if I were on HK. Threat of humiliation is a powerful motivator.

What will I be writing about in the future? As the title may suggest, much of it will be about food, cooking, and the general sensualist's approach to life. It will also surely become a repository for ideas, complaints, curiosities and the like. I will try to keep it light and funny, except when not.

Bon appetit!

On the menu tonight: something to do with red chard.

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